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release: Creativity BootCamp Day6


My sweets has fluid in her ears.
Well actually we all get fluid in our ears from time to time.
But it usually drains fine on it’s own or after a quick round of antibiotics.
My my little girls is thick and hasn’t drained in months. Maybe over a year.
It is quick to get infected and probably causes pressure when she lays down.
Hence, her waking up over and over again each night.
With lots of tears.
Hers and sometimes mine.
We have had at least a dozen ear infections and very few good nights of sleep.
And I am more than ready for it to get better.

And this is a pretty common problem
With an easy fix.

Little tiny tubes inserted into the eardrum to allow air in.
To release the pressure.
And let some of that fluid finally drain.
That’s it.
Just provide an escape route and release the pressure.

Unfortunately this involves surgery.
Minor surgery.
But surgery and Children’s hospital and anesthesiologist and 5:30 am are not words and phrases you want associated with your baby.

But something has to give.
And from everyone else whose kid has already had this surgery promise me immediate relief.
Less trips to the doctor.
And maybe even a less irritable kid.

And I may not have thick easily infected fluid filling my ears
But I do understand the buildup of pressure.
And then need for release and relief.
And how quickly rest can be restored when it finally comes.

So tomorrow at 5:30 am I will be checking my sweets into the hospital.
And after the ten minute thousand dollar procedure.
My little girl will be less a little fluid.
More equilibrated.
And hopefully mom will be released of a little pressure as well.

Another post from creativity boot camp. random word prompt: fluid
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Kate said…
Michelle, everyone has told you correctly. My sisters and I all had tubes in our ears and my mother swears by them. I have a tube in now! No fluid, just negative pressure built up. And I noticed an improvement in my hearing shortly thereafter. Your little girl will feel SO much better! Best wishes and good luck!
samskat said…
I will keep you and your sweet baby girl in my prayers. Good luck! :)
Oh the poor thing! I hope everything goes well tomorrow. Will be thinking of you guys.
D Dierks said…
My littlest guy had them put in about 6 months ago. It was harder on me than on him, although he was very unhappy right afterward, that was short lived for how much happier he has been ever since then.
oh wow, this must have been so hard for you to write. I can't imagine the worry in your mind as your little one goes through this procedure. Even though I have just found your blog, I will be thinking about you and your little girl tomorrow. She will be fine, and so much happier when the procedure is over. I'm sure you are making the right choice.
Jamie said…
Poor little thing. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers
Sarah P. said…
Poor baby. :( But what a great chance for such a precious picture.
Stacia said…
Oh, it's so hard to watch your little ones in pain. Hope everything went well!

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