What would you be willing to do for $12, 254? Just recently I offered my relatives the chance to pie me in the face for 20$ ( I never got my 20$ by the way). But 12 grand is a lot of money and I’d be willing to do a lot of stupid things for 12 grand. I mean 12 grand would make my house payments for the good part of a year. It finance a much needed kitchen re-model. It would pay off the rest of my car and then still have enough left over to go shopping with. I could go to Starbucks every single day and buy a latte for over 8 years. It would allow me to have a maid come every week and a lawn service with enough left over for lots of meals out. It would pay my childcare bill for the year. I could take my family to Hawaii and Disney World. I could even do a lot of good with that much money. I could support 28 Compassion children for a year. I could buy 25 cows on Heiffer International. I could build 27 wells through the water project So I’d be willing to submit myself to lots of hard work ...