This morning my alarm clock went off at the usual time. 5:37 am. Forced down a powerbar and a bottle of water. The unusual part. It is a weekend. Saturday mornings don’t usually start until after 8 and they almost always involve donuts. I laced up my sneakers. Downloaded a few tunes and turned on the porch light. Because the sun still wasn’t up. And shortly after 6 am I got a text from my friend. “I am heterosexual” She meant to say “I am here” And I have never loved autocorrect more. And we drove downtown and our exit looked like a weekday at rush hour instead of a Saturday morning at 6:20. I had seriously underestimated the number of people running the 10K. We parked. We pinned on our bibs. We peed in smelly portapotties. And we waited with hoards of runners for the start. And I run on a regular enough basis. At the gym. And I hate the treadmill. With a passion. And never make it very far ...