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Blog: Tour Simple Compassion

This is my third book of Keri's to read, and I must say that every single one of them has made me breathe a little deeper and slow down.
Which is really really hard for me to do.
I do everything fast. I read fast. I eat fast. I talk fast and I write fast ( which might explain all my typos). This is good in the world of multitasking and checking things off your to-do list...but not so much for playing with my kids, building relationships, enjoying and resting.
Sometimes "quiet time" or reading my bible is just something to check off my list. Which means the faster I read or pray, the faster I can go to sleep or do the dishes. Which means I miss out on pretty much the point and most everything that God has to say.

I read ridiculously fast. On vacations I like to pride myself on reading almost "a book a day".
Which means that I have read ALOT of books.
But it also means that I have forgotten most of them.
It means I have occasionally skipped over parts and missed things.
Occasionally there is a book that I really really love and maybe I will underline a phrase or two or dogear a page or pass it on to a friend, but what I really need to do is slow down and chew on it. Read a few pages. Think about it. And repeat. Maybe even re-read it again later.
But mostly I don't do that. I finish it and start the next book.

This book seemed to know I was that girl. And warned me against it. This book has 52 short chapters (devotionals to make a difference in your neighborhood and your world) which were intended to be read one week at a time. Not in one sitting.
In the introduction it says, " To read just one short chapter of this book a week is to offer God a year to mess with you, to equip you and strengthen you, and to live the adventure of following him."

Turns out it isn't a race.

And there isn't a checklist,
but we are told to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God ( Mic 6:8).

So maybe I could read this book in a day if I wanted to.
But I couldn't make any changes.
At the end of every chapter are some specific things to chew on, pray about and actually DO.
And, maybe I skimmed ahead ( just a bit I promise).....and some of these are hard.
Not hard like sell everything you own....
but hard because you just might have to put down your book and do something.
Show someone compassion, and mercy, and hospitality, and generosity...
and maybe even Christ.

Some important links
Buy the book on Amazon: Simple Compassion by Keri Wyatt Kent
Keri’s website
Other bloggers on this tour

This is the 2nd book of Keri’s that I have had the privilege of reviewing (loved Rest). If you like the idea of these great books showing up in your mailbox in return for a short honest review…check out this site for some upcoming tours!)


Keri Wyatt Kent said…
Hi Michelle,
thanks for the lovely review. And yes, you're right--the book is meant to be savored, pondered, and acted on.
(I'm also the type to read a lot and burn through books pretty quickly--so I recommend reading other books while you read this one!) :)
If your readers would like a chance to win a copy of this book, they can take the Simple Compassion challenge. The details are on my blog at
thanks again for the great review!
spaghettipie said…
Thanks for participating! And I love how you make it your own.

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