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first ladies

Some first lady trivia……… ( answers after the last ?)

She believed that the deaths of her three children were punishment by God for her husband's involvement in politics.
a. Lucy Hayes b. Helen Taft c. Pat Nixon d. Jane Pierce

She wrote a weekly newspaper column while First Lady.
a. Florence Harding b.Edith Wilson c.Eleanor Roosevelt d.Rosalynn Carter

3. Temperance advocate whose husband, as President, banned liquor from the White House -- leading to this First Lady's new public nickname.
a. Margaret Taylor b.Ida McKinley c.Lucy Hayes d. Angelica VanBure

4.Her first child had a candy bar named for her.
a. Frances Cleveland b.Alice Roosevelt c. Nancy Reagan d.Hillary Clinton

5. She met her future husband at a country club dance, and later said, "I married the first man I ever kissed…."
a. Nancy Reagan b. Barbara Bush c. Hillary Clinton d.Mamie Eisenhower

6. She helped raise funds for Johns Hopkins University Medical School -- on the condition that women be admitted as students.
a. Nancy Reagan b. Florence Harding c.Edith Wilson d. Caroline Harrison

7. She convinced her husband, while he was a state legislator, to vote against an import tax on snuff, which she used in public.
a. Louisa Adams b.Dolley Madison c. Eleanor Roosevelt d. Lou Hoover

8. She served as her husband's secretary and advisor while he was President, and was the first First Lady to attend cabinet meetings.
a. Abigail Adams b. Rosalynn Carter c. Eleanor Roosevelt d. Sarah Polk

1-d, 2-c, 3-c ( lemonade lucy), 4-a (baby ruth), 5-b, 6-d, 7-a, 8-d
* quiz ?s taken from

………..oh but I actually have a point……………
Acts 13:50 “The Jews, however, incited the women of prominence who were worshipers and the leading men of the city, stirred up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their territory.”

a little background…..basically Paul and his friend Barnabus had visited several cities to spread the good news of Christ. The whole city had gathered and some of the Jews were jealous of the crowds. Because of their reaction they spoke boldly to the Gentiles and many of them converted. The Jews got a little irritated ( this was “their God” ) and this ( vs50) was their evacuation plan for Paul and his friend. ( in case you were wondering….Paul shook the dust off his feet and moved on to the next town!)

…… for the connection…….
Notice who the Jews purposely incited first! WOMEN! God has given women the gift (and burden) of influence. The biggest political influence back then ( and I believe it still is today) is women. We may not make the cover of Newsweek very often, and so far no woman has ever been president, and we still tend to make less money for the same job…. but WE ARE the wives and mothers and teachers! Apparently ( even if they don’t act like it)…….some of those men are listening to us. Take a look out your car window tomorrow if you happen to be on a Texas highway and thank Lady Bird for her beautiful influence. Too bad about Eve though.


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