I am about a week into summer and feel like I have already
gotten a summer’s worth of material.
So I was out in the hallway joking around with a few other
grown ups. Someone said something inappropriate (not me for a change) and I
literally doubled over with laughter. And when I went to right myself, pain
shot all the way up my spine. And stayed there. As I hobbled down the hall.
Now, I am coming up on another birthday. Usually birthdays don’t phase me. I
dig them. It means going out with my friends, getting to pick where we go,
pedicures and presents. My husband and a few friends have given me the grow up
lecture more than once, so the years creeping up don’t usually phase me. But as
the pain lingered in my back with every step and it took a pep talk to get me
out of my chair…this birthday I am feeling every one of my years.
Friends recommended good doctors and chiropractors,
but I have always been one to self-medicate…and I figure I still had a few more
days before I needed to officially start acting like a grown up….so I tried all
the logical things, in this order: margaritas, Swedish massage, heating pads, hot tubs and muscle relaxers (just one). The ache continued. And so did my busy schedule.
Monday: the day following car conversation and eventually my
facebook status.
Tess: I have a baby in my bellyMe: I had hoped we wouldn’t have this conversation for at least another twenty years.
Tess: Her name is Princess.
Me: Oh, I guess you are pretty far along if you know that it is a girl. Do you know who the daddy is?
Tess: (with out a moment’s hesitation). Justin Beaver.
Oh my. Where does she get this stuff!
Wednesday: Tess spilling (fill in the blank with any and ALL
of the following: legos, cereal, popcorn, contents of the clean clothes basket,
crayons, and more popcorn and the remainders of one of last night’s snow cones) __________all over the floor. And a nice
visit to our pediatrician who told me that Tess looked perfect. Minus the
ridiculous fever and hopefully cross our fingers that it would go away and she
doesn’t share it before we try and leave the country…in oh…only 48 hours.
After spending A LONG day with mom. Tess’s first and
probably last library story time and only one episode of Rizzoli and Isels, she had all her chattiness back for the drive
home from picking O up from camp. Owen was giving us all a nice long talk on
photosynthesis (ok, I know I am a science nerd, but I swear I don’t encourage
this craziness!),
Tess: (says something along the lines of…) You can pick them
but you can’t eat them right?
Me: (still thinking we were on the subject of plants). Right
Tess, you can pick plants but you should never eat any without asking first.
Some of them could be poisonous.Tess: No mom, not plants. BOOGERS!
Me: (as seriously as I could muster), yes…some of those could be poisonous too! You can pick them but don’t eat them.
Tess: I’ll just wipe them on my shirt ok?
Me: Just as long as it is not my shirt!
Then I went to another party for someone in my son’s class.
Now, is where I need to confess that I am most socially awkward with PTA moms.
I don’t speak their language. I own nothing bedazzled, nor do I want to. But. I
do dig my kid and it has became ridiculously obvious to me the last time I let
him play on the playground after school and they all knew his name, but none of
the other moms spoke to me…that I need to do a better job of getting to know
the people at his school. I don’t need a new BFF and I certainly don’t want to
chair up any committees but, I do need to learn a few names and foster a few
playdates and have someone to call when I don’t know what time the millionth
fundraiser this year ends. So I have been trying hard to meet a few of the moms
in his class. And have mostly crashed and burned. However, no crashing and
burning was worse than this party. One
of the moms showed up at another party with another woman. She also happened to
look a lot like one of the Indigo Girls. So, tonight’s party she was there with
the other woman again. No hubs in sight. And I love me some Indigo Girls and
was all about being nice and friendly and accepting.
Turns out, it was just her sister. And her husband showed up
later. And we might not ever be invited to another birthday party. Or asked to
work the PTA concession booth again.