I love communion. Everything about faith is hard for me. But communion is easy. There is something to hold, smell, do and taste. I love the physicality of it. Any way you do it. Plastic thimbles of grape juice. Tasteless wafers. Hunks of Hawaiian bread. Goblets of wine. An open table. Knees pressed into the cushions at the altar. Someone saying the words just to me. On Saturday I waited in line at the front of the chapel. I ripped off a chunk of bread and someone told me, “This is my body broken for you." They had probably said it a hundred times before it was my turn, but they said it just for me anyways. I stepped to the side and dipped my bread into the juice. “This is my blood poured out for you.” Like a lot of things in my life, I can overdo anything. Apparently even communion. I was a little overzealous with the grape juice. As I pulled out my bread and aimed it for my mouth the juice dripped down. I tried to ...