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Showing posts from September, 2014

birthday girl

My son was so easy as a baby. He slept through the night at 8 weeks when I went back to work. As a toddler he was active and always on the move....but a first born pleaser. He ate broccoli and would play alone with Legos for hours. (He still will).  I was sure that Shaun and I were pros at parenting. Our kid was happy, easy going and so freaking cute that we figured we should bless this planet with another set of our genes. We could not have been more wrong. Not about blessing this planet with our genes or making the most adorbs babies around....just about being the world's best parents.  (The fact that I occasionally had to borrow diapers and wipes from complete strangers...because I couldn't be counted on to remember things like a diaper bag should have been my first clue.) My first shot at actually giving birth was not exactly fun.  Lots of labor. Lots of pushing. Lots of blood. An epidural that only seemed to take effect on one side of my body. And eventually a...


I teach high school. Which means that sometimes I am stuck in this never ending loop of homecomings, report cards, pep rallies and prom kings. Names, music and fashions change, but year after year so much is the same. One of the dress up days last week was college day, I played country music on Western day, a lot of Madonna and Micheal Jackson on 80s day….so on college day I figured I should play music I listened to in college. All day I spent a lot of time thinking about who I was in college. And frustrated that so much of me was exactly the same.  Give or take 25 lbs. The same issues I had in my twenties is the exact same baggage I carry around today. I am too much. I have boundary issues. I am oh so easily distracted. I hate limits and budgets and rules. I suck at driving. I like cute boys and beer and things that are not always good for me. I play my music too loud. I talk too loud. I still wear pajama pants and flip flops every chance I get. ...